We always keep innovating and updating our services. That is why we have upgraded all our web hosting packages today with unlimited data traffic. Your data traffic remains visible via the control panel, but accounts are no longer automatically suspended in the event of a significant overrun. This is not all, all packages are also being upgraded with more web space and you can now even create unlimited email inboxes on every package.

PHP 7.3

As of today you can choose PHP 7.3. This update brings a number of new functions and bug fixes. If you want to use the new PHP right away, you can activate this yourself via the control panel by clicking 'Select PHP Version'. At We Care Hosting you can choose per account which version of PHP you want to use. This way you will never be forced to update your website in a hurry when we decide to introduce a new version of PHP. So nothing changes for you if you do not want this yourself.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

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